During adolescence it occurs something that has been defined as “sexual development“, but what it is?

Sexual development is a process that involves the sexual maturation of the body and reproductive organs and it is different between boys and girls.


However, sexual development doesn’t refer only to being biologically male or female (biological sex) but also to the way of feeling themselves as male or female (gender identity) and the way you are perceived by others and your role in society (gender role).

During this time, sexual orientation acquires greater importance; it is the emotional and sexual attraction to a person who can be both opposite sex (heterosexual orientation) or same sex (homosexual orientation). However, sexual orientation is not divided into two opposite poles, but is most easily represented as a continuum, within which there may be intermediate positions which provide a preference.

For all these reasons, during adolescent boys and girls might:

  • have more interest in sexuality;
  • experience feelings of sexual attraction;
  • grapple for the first time in sexual intercourse;
  • be more interested in intimate relationships.
  • be more independent from their parents and prefer spend time with friends.

During adolescence some boys and girls may experience negative feelings as intense sadness or anger. These feelings often accompany poor grades at school and use of alcohol or drugs during sex; this behavior may be at risk for unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.

For this reason it is necessary to understand how to experience sexuality in a safe and responsible way, avoiding risks with the proper use of contraceptives and condoms.

WHO – Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR)
