Does alcohol improve sexual performance? It doesn’t, actually!

Alcohol seems to help sexual behavior just because by acting on the brain centers that control fear, reduces anxiety, decreases self-control and therefore causes a temporary disinhibition.

In fact alcohol is not an aphrodisiac substance and is an enemy of sexuality.

Regular consumption or high-doses sporadic consumption of alcohol damages the “sexual response” of both men and women.

When the amounts of alcohol increase and take over a state of intoxication it can occur a temporary impotence, decreased sex desire and ability to have a satisfying orgasm.

But the risk is not only to have a”disappointing” performance.

Having sex while intoxicated is also dangerous because the influence of alcohol does not allow the control necessary to the effective use of condoms, essential to reduce the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Using of alcohol during sexual intercourse also increase the risk of an unintended pregnancy and increase, especially among women, the chance to have sex against their will, more often associated with physical violence and trauma.

Alcohol abuse also impairs fertility.

Men who habitually drink alcohol in high doses may experience infertility problems, and loss of secondary male sexual characteristics such as hair and muscle tissue, with appearance rather than female ones, such as increasing the volume of the breasts. Even in women who abuse alcohol may experience infertility problems with major changes in menstrual cycle.

WHO – Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR)
