Sfoglia: Body and Health

A person is considered “underweight” when has a Body Mass Index below 18.5. Underweight, such as obesity, it indicates that the body is in a no-healthy situation. The body, if properly fed and healthy, tends to remain in the normal weight parameters (BMI 18.5 to 25). You can go underweight only when you are not eating enough or if you have a disease that does not allow adequate food or interferes with the absorption of nutrients. People who are underweight, especially severe, are more at risk of diseases due to malnutrition or lack of certain nutrients and the risk of…


Do you suffer from an eating disorder and you seem to not be able to get out of it? Listen: you can heal! You need: perseverance, the support of qualified people to work in teams, both nutritionally and psychologically, and family support. Once you exit the first stage in which symptoms are more marked, you can continue the therapy safely at home as long as always followed by experts. In this case it is appropriate that your day is well organized in the careful management of meals and activities that serve the management of proper nutrition. The most important thing…


Do you often eat during the evening or at night? Do you often wake up with the need to eat, to get to sleep? These symptoms could indicate a specific disorder called “Night Eating Syndrome”, often due to stress, sleep and mood disorders. Sufferers use food to regulate their feelings, such as anger and sadness, especially during evening and night hours, when he/she is put in front of the “removed” emotions during the day. It may happen that the sufferer eats so much and so bad that he/she could not metabolize food and gets to suffer from obesity. WHO-World Health…


Have you ever met someone who feels the need to program all his meals? Someone who looks so manic for natural, organic and not contaminated with artificial substances foods? Someone who sees food as a means to “purify” and nurture so “right” his body, even threatening to isolate himself from friends and family? All these symptoms together may be a warning sign in orthorexia development. A serious risk for those orthorexic and select so manic food, is to go up against grave nutritional deficiencies such as anaemia, deficiency of calcium or important vitamins, caused by the gradual exclusion of foods…


Have you ever met a skinny, muscular and athletic guy, totally dissatisfied with his body? Who spends his days in the gym because he doesn’t see him “big” enough? Bigorexia is the concern, in muscular people, of being too weak and skinny. It’s also called “reverse anorexia.” In fact, as the anorexic person sees himself fat, despite being thin, the bigorexic sees always skinny and no muscled even when he has reached a very muscular physique and athletic. It doesn’t mean that this is a problem, although, in some cases, it can be a symptom of an eating disorder typically…


Have you ever suffered and find refuge in food? Have you ever overeat and isolate yourself from any social relationship? In these cases, it is called binge eating disorder, also called BED (acronym for Binge Eating Disorder). This disorder is very similar to bulimia, but unlike the latter, after binges, it does not resort to self-induced vomiting, laxatives or diuretics so the characteristic of those affected is the steady increase in the weight up the development of a real obesity. People suffering from this disorder, seek comfort in binge eating in solitude, causing a feeling of extreme fullness, sense of…


Have you ever start eating and not being able to stop until you eat everything you find in the refrigerator or pantry? After you feel guilty about what you did and try to remedy causing you vomiting? You may suffer from an eating disorder, called bulimia. The sufferer feeds compulsively. Before eating he/she perceives a feeling of anxiety and no appetite, causing he/she to consume any food to have on hand and is easily ingestible, although he/she doesn’t like, but the important thing is that it can be gobbled up quickly and secretly. Immediately after eating a lot, those who…


When we resort to prolonged and very strict diets, when exercise and physical fitness come before everything and everyone, when we see fat, even if we are evidently underweight and begin isolating to escape all those situations where there could be the risk of losing control, we are faced with an eating disorder that is called anorexia. Sufferers tend to isolate themselves and to give up sharing moments, such as family meals or parties with friends. Sufferers are never satisfied with their appearance and their thinness, despite appearances and external judgments. They have “overestimated” the perception of their size and…


Do you often feel swelling or pain in the abdomen? Do you frequently suffer from constipation or diarrhea? Do you often complain about itching or inflammation of skin? If you have some of these symptoms, you may be allergic or intolerant to some food. Do you know what is the difference? Both are adverse reactions to foods but: Allergy is an immediate sensitivity, and it triggers within 24 hours, to a substance present in food; Intolerance is an inflammatory reaction that occurs after a slow accumulation of substances not tolerated by the body and occurs within 48-72 hours after ingestion.…


You probably already know that the human body is made up of 70% water. But do you know that you can also make an analysis of the elements that make up our body? Trough the study of body composition you might calculate total water (Total Body Water-TBW),  intracellular water (Intra Cellular Water-ICW) and extracellular water (Extra Cellular Water-ECW). The study of body composition allows to evaluate two other components: – Fat mass (fat mass-FM); the weight of body fat (adipose tissue); – Lean mass (Fat Free Mass – FFM) is composed of muscles,  skeleton and other body tissues. An important…
