HIV – how (not) is transmitted


There are false information about the ways in which HIV is transmitted. Let’s see some.

– Shaking hands with a person who has contracted the virus (HIV), hug, drink from his own glass means getting sick? The answer is absolutely NO. The skin is not a vehicle of transmission, nor are the clothes we wear.

For this we can say that the virus is not transmitted through:

  • handshakes, hugs, clothing;
  • saliva, coughing, tears, sweat, urine, feces and kisses (unless there are no obvious wounds in the mouth or bleeding gums)
  • glasses, silverware, dishes, sanitary towels and sheets;
  • insect bites.

In addition, the virus is not transmitted by attending:

  • gyms, swimming pools, showers, saunas and toilets;
  • schools, kindergartens and workplaces;
  • restaurants, bars, cinemas and public places;
  • means of transport.

WHO – Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR)
