Do you know that certain behaviors can reduce the possibility of having children when you will grow up? Although at this time of your life you’re not interested to become a parent, there are some helpful tips to follow to preserve  your health and and your future fertility.

If you are a boy, we recommend:

Dont use anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass, which are synthetic     derivatives of testosterone. If you take synthetic testosterone your body does not produce more with the result that the testicles will not be stimulated to produce sperm;

Dont expose to toxic substances. Especially if you already work, you can come into contact with substances that damage sperm production;

  • Be careful in the heat. The spermatozoa to live need a temperature less than body (for this the testicles are external to the body).

If you are a girl, we recommend:

  • Control the regularity of If you experience delays, severe pain, or too close cycles please contact your doctor;

–  Pay attention to vaginal secretions. If these losses smell bad or have      unusual color, contact your doctor.

Both boys and girls should watch out for:

  • Sexually transmitted infections. May occur with very mild symptoms, genital itching or mild burning when you have to urinate. If not treated can cause infertility problems;
  • The excessive thinness and overweight can affect your health, including the sexual one!
  • Dont smoke, drink less alcohol, do not use drugs. The smoke also acting as a vasoconstrictor, reduces your sexual performances. These substances may damage both the quality and the quantity of sperm products.

WHO – Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR)
